Sunday, January 11, 2009

Adjusting to a New Routine

It is good to have revamped my Before Bed Routine; I’m trying to follow it, and me and my house stayed much tidier and organized all week because of it! I also kept up with laundry (one load per day, including folding & putting away, which is where I usually fall off the wagon) and watering plants 2x/week. However, the house fell to pot on Saturday. The influence of Nick being home all day? A laxing of the routine on the weekend? Probably all that and more. But the housecleaner comes tomorrow morning, so we have to tidy up today.

I’ve finally come to realize that I typically live on New York time: I often work 6:30-2:00, which is 9:30-5:00 N.Y. time. That’s why I’m exhausted by the time I’m finished at 2:00: I’ve already done physically demanding work for almost 8 hours! And I still have 5 more hours with the kids until Nick gets home!

There’s some getting used to our new schedule; it didn’t help that Maya got sick and missed preschool one day because that threw off the new routine. I realized I have to accept that I’m very busy on Mondays and can’t plan on accomplishing anything more than making it through the day. I work 6:30 a.m. -9:00 p.m. with a 3 hour “break” in the afternoon, when I do laundry, water plants, empty the dishwasher, play with my girls, etc. On the other hand, I have 7 hours free time on Thursdays! The girls both have preschool for 3 hr in the morning and a babysitter for 4 hr in the afternoon! Wow! That’s also something to get used to! So that’s my “catch-up” day.

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