Thursday, December 27, 2007

Post-Holiday Mess

The past few days, I've had a lot of Tranquility, and I've Exercised. Some nights I've Slept well, but others I haven't. But I haven't been Eating healthy or drinking Water enough. But that's a usual unSWEETened life: most people accomplish a couple of the components easily, one of them sometimes, and a couple of them with difficulty. Living the SWEET Life involves paying attention and incorporating all five elements into your life consistently.

Here it is 5:21 a.m. I've been up since 3:48 when Zoe woke me up. She fell back asleep quickly, but I did not. This has been happening a lot in the past couple months, and it's very discouraging for me. Why can't I get back to sleep? I had always prided myself in being able to sleep so well and so easily but not lately. :-(

It's interesting how I can know in advance what and how much I'll be drinking, depending on where I will be. At my sister-in-law's house, there's always lots of free flowing wine. At my mother-in-law's house there's always wine, but no one drinks very much, despite it being the same group of people! There's also always tea and coffee. At my husband's aunt's house (my aunt-in-law?) there's always tea and juice and coffee in cute little cups. It seems the older generation uses small cups and the younger generation uses big tumblers. In an effort to drink 8-10 cups per day, I tend to use big tumblers and can't seem to get my fill of cute little cups. So, being at various people's houses for holiday meals and at Ano Nuevo yesterday hiking with a kid on and off my back, I haven't been drinking enough lately. It's hard when I'm out of the house so much.

I'm glad to know that I've gotten past stuffing myself silly at holiday meals. I used to, to the point where I'd notice I was the last one still eating. To the point where my dad, who was a large man, asked, "Why is Suzanne the only one who inherited my appetite?" I stopped stuffing myself silly because of . . . a combination of factors . . . for another day.

I didn't eat enough yesterday because we came out of the Christmas fog and realized we were short on food. Then, we were running late ("having a relaxing morning") and missed our friends having brunch before going to Ano Nuevo. We hardly had time to share a sandwich before getting to the "no food" zone there. We finished the rest of our lunch on the drive home from Ano Nuevo ~4:00, and I had to go straight to work, where I had my usual energy bar. Knowing Nick was going to the grocery store, I thought he and the girls would have a good, healthy dinner, but he just picked up a few things and dinner came from the freezer: potstickers and taquitos! Many would say those are just appetizers, but, sadly, that was our dinner.

I have taken my own advice and exercised every day that Nick has been home, except Christmas day. Actually, his family usually takes a walk or hike on Christmas, and it was a beautiful day for it, but we hung out and enjoyed oursevles at the family home. Let's see, Sunday I think I went running, Monday I did a quick toning workout at home, and yesterday we hiked at Ano Nuevo where we saw the elephant seals. That was short but exhausting because I was with Zoe, and she was up and down and in and out of the baby backpack the whole time. I'd say not to take toddlers (1-4 yr.) there because they're heavy to carry so much, they want to get down and run around, and they're too young to understand what they are looking at.

I've had a lot of tranquility lately. Nick even gave me a Tranquility bath set for Christmas! It's been great having Nick home; that always relieves some stress of parenting. Spending time with friends and family for the holidays is always relaxing and wonderful. However, I feel like I never get enough time to catch up with people because I'm also watching the cute things my girls are doing and taking care of their needs.

How do I feel?
I want to get back to a regular schedule, which is strange because we've been in, I guess, vacation-mode and I don't like it?! We've just been so busy with various events that I haven't had time for the basics, like drinking water, eating healthy, grocery shopping, doing laundry, watering plants, keeping the house tidy, working on the SWEET Life business, etc. It's been great to have Nick around so much, and he does help out with those basics. I feel like I'm floating in a netherworld, but having to plow through my messy house to get in and out of it! It's hard to believe it was all clean and beautiful just 2 days ago on Xmas eve!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

To Exercise Or Not To Exercise?

I was woken up at 5:30 by a combination of uncomfortable factors which also prevented me from falling back asleep: the noise of Nick snoring a little, the crowded feeling of 4 of us in one bed(!), and the need to use the bathroom. So, unfortunately, once again, I didn't sleep enough last night. I'll try again tonight . . .

Hmm, gotta get on the water bandwagon; I haven't drunk much yet today, even though I worked out! Fortunately, I still have plenty of time today to catch up on that.

Nick made waffles for breakfast -- yummy! I like to dip them in yogurt, instead of smothering them with syrup. Sometimes I dip them in applesauce, but we're out of it at the moment. Had leftover make-your-own-burritos for lunch. Burritos are one of those foods, like pizza and hamburgers, that seems so much healthier if you make them yourself than if you buy them anywhere. Homemade, I know exactly what's in them; I use fresh, healthy ingredients, etc. I ate a couple "little cuties" too; my family loves those little tangerines. . .

Since I've been so bad about exercising this week, I did double duty today: I went on a walk with a friend, then did a toning workout. The walk isn't much of a workout; it doesn't get my heart pounding, but it does get my legs moving. But it was nice to catch up with a friend. Otherwise, this week, I did one cardio workout and one toning workout. I'll workout tomorrow too, something to get my heart pounding.

It's the Saturday before Christmas, and I 've finished my Christmas shopping, which was my goal. That means that now, while my girls are napping, I get to do fun Christmas preparations like wrapping gifts (which I really do enjoy), displaying the Christmas cards we've received, sorting out stocking stuffers, baking cookies, etc. I wish I had a week to do just those fun, Christmas things, but I only have 3 days. At least I have 3 days.

How do I feel?
I feel better for having exercised today. I'm happy that my husband is home for the next 4 days, through Christmas. I need to take advantage of Nick being home and exercise each of those days! Hmm, that'd be a good idea. I've been discouraged about my lack of exercise regime this month. . . Looking back, I have managed to exercise 4 days each week of this month, but I feel like it's been by the skin of my teeth. The main thing I'd say is that it's been a struggle to exercise this month, and it's always on my mind. In the past months, I was finished with exercise before I even had my morning coffee, so it was never an issue. Hmm, I guess waking up 0n the cold, dark mornings to exercise does have it's benefits: I was in better shape and never had to think about when I was going to exercise.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Returning to Work

Let's see, if I saw part of Letterman (a very old one at that), and I woke up to my 6:30 alarm, then I couldn't have slept 7 hours. But I was close, perhaps 6 1/2 to 6 3/4 hours, which I think I do often.

I donated blood yesterday, so I had to drink extra water to make up for the loss of blood, or is it to help produce more blood?

I ate really healthy yesterday too because I donated blood and didn't want to pass out from lack of energy.

I couldn't exercise after donating blood, and I didn't have time to do it beforehand, so I took the day off. Now I'm taking advantage of my girls' nap time, but I've decided to exercise after work at the health club tonight. I'll already be there, surrounded by exercise equipment. Too bad I can't exercise during work.

I got tranquility in the form of organization. I don't live well in chaos, though others do. I'm organizing my time and reprioritizing my daily things to do. Hopefully, I'll feel more satisfied with this reorganization of my time.

How do I feel?
Next year I'm going to embark on a grand adventure, so I'm a bit nervous about it but also excited. Well, no, it's not a really adventurous type of adventure, it's just uncharted territory for me. I'm going to work more than I ever have since becoming a mother. I definitely feel the need to have intellectual stimulation, and I'll be happy to earn some more income on my own. I think that's a big difference between today's Home Executive (a.k.a. stay-at-home-mom) and those of the past: In the past women might have gone to college, then married, had kids and raised them. Today, it's much more common for women to have careers, not just jobs, but careers of their choosing where they have built up a reputation and standing, before having kids. I think it's a great and difficult choice for mothers to change careers, mid-career, and decide to raise their children instead of earn an income. At the same time, I feel that the most important "career" I could have is to raise my own children and not have a nanny or daycare do it for me. So why am I going to work more? Because, sadly, mothering doesn't pay the bills. I'm trying to keep the most positive spin on this that I can: intellectual stimulation, income; those are good things. Spending less time with my kids will make me treasure the time we spend together more, right? Fortunately, it's only for 18 weeks; I can re-evaulate the situation after that. I tend to get more done when I have more to do, so I'm hoping that'll work for me.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Post-Weekend Trip

Well, I guess it's been at least 4 nights since I had a good night's sleep. :-( I did not sleep well on our trip. The hotel pillows were too big and firm, believe it or not. Usually they are too small and squishy. Besides that, we played a lot of "musical beds" with the girls. I slept a lot on the drive home, which meant that I couldn't fall asleep once we got home! Aargh! Gotta focus on getting better sleep this week.

I feel very dehydrated from the trip, so I made sure to fill my pitcher of water today and am happy to be drinking it. My lips are peeling, and the skin on my face feels rough. I'd say that the hardest thing about drinking a lot of water consistently is that my body adjusts to having a lot of water, so I feel dehydrated easily if I cut out the water for a few days. Fortunately, it's easy to make up for it too and get back on track.

Surprisingly, we hardly ate any fast food on the trip. We stopped at Subway for lunch on the way down, which is pretty healthy, as far as fast food goes. We did make an emergency pit stop at a Del Taco in L.A. where I ate a chicken burrito, but that was the only fast food we ate! Otherwise, Saturday breaky was at the hotel, which had a pretty extensive continental breaky. I ate a hard-boiled egg, banana, waffle dipped in yogurt (instead of syrup), juice, and coffee. For lunch, at a nice food court, I ate a chicken breast and salad, which, incidentally, Maya selected! I did eat some Christmas cookies as a snack at an afternoon party, which certainly was not healthy. Then, dinner was a simple party spread with sandwiches, veggie platter, fruit, cheeses, mini-quiches, wine, and a variety of desserts. So, I'd say I ate too many sweets, but they were party-sweets, rather than sitting-around-the-house-sweets.

I generally haven't been exercising as much in the past few weeks as I had been previously. I had actually gotten to the point where I felt I was over-exercising, even though I wasn't exercising all that much (30-60 min, 5x/wk). However, now, after a few weeks of inconsistent exercise, I've started feeling like a blob. I miss the lean, healthy feeling I had when I exercised consistently. I haven't gained weight, but I think I've lost some tone. I wasn't really planning to exercise on our trip although I had expected to take some walks to see Christmas decorations in various places. Well, that didn't happen. Saturday morning, after so much sitting in the car the day before, I had to do something, so I did my "hotel" exercise routine in the hotel room. I hadn't brought a resistance band with me, but I could improvise exercises for every major muscle group, except my biceps, without any equipment. It felt good to use my body. With young kids with us, we ended up watching them run around a lot, rather than us adults doing any running around. Little kids just don't make much distance when they run around.

I certainly had a lot of tranquility this past weekend. The purpose of the trip was to visit my family for Christmas because I'll be with my in-laws for Christmas & Christmas Eve this year. We also went to see the Boat Parade. We did all of that and had a great time. We went with our friends, in their car, all 8 of us! Nick didn't like being dependent on others for transportation, but I enjoyed having extra time with people because they were giving us rides.

How do I feel?
I need to get more sleep, drink more water, and exercise more consistently. I mostly feel I need to be more serious again about getting consistent exercise. I just feel better about myself when I do. Also, I'm remembering one great benefit of exercising first thing in the morning: I don't have to think about it again the rest of the day. If I plan to exercise when the girls nap, and one of them doesn't nap, then it gets more complicated to exercise. Also, cardio in the house while my girls nap definitely feels like exercise just for the sake of exercise, whereas I used to run on the beach, which I enjoy much more. It's also a bit time-consuming to shower in the morning, then again in the middle of the afternoon. Right now is the middle of the day and my girls just went down for their naps, so now is the time for me to do it!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Pre-Weekend Trip

I think I've generally been sleeping better since I stopped trying to get myself up early to exercise. That's important because I'd consistently been cutting myself a bit short on sleep. Last night, however, I didn't get quite enough sleep because I had to get up early to finish preparing for a weekend trip. We'll see what happens this weekend on our trip; we'll be sleeping in a hotel, so who knows how well the girls will sleep. . .

Today starts a weekend road trip, and I typically don't drink enough when I travel. In the car I get thirsty but don't want to drink in order to avoid too many pit stops. In So. Cal. the weather is always dry, so I tend to feel dried out.

All I can say is that I haven't been keeping very good track of my eating lately. I generally eat healthy, but I don't know if I've eaten well-balanced meals. On road trips we go to fast food; it's just about the only time I eat it, so that makes a few times a year. Because it's so rare, I look forward to it, even though afterward, it feels like a rock sitting in my stomach for the rest of the drive.

I have not yet been very consistent about exercising while the girls are napping; I did it once this week. However, I did manage to exercise Tues. (toning), Wed. (cardio), Thurs. (stroller walk). The plan for this evening is to take a walk after our long drive down south. That always feels good after so much sitting.

In the past couple days I didn't get enough relaxation time because Wed. Maya didn't nap, and yesterday I was so busy preparing for the trip, that it wasn't very relaxing. I'm looking forward to our trip with family and friends. I should get a lot of tranquility this weekend.

How do I feel?
I feel ready for this trip. I've been experimenting with different ways of keeping track of my SWEET Life Cycle (i.e., success in each category over time), and I haven't been happy with the ways I've been trying, which is part of the reason why I haven't kept good track of my SWEET Life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Obligation vs. Desire

I slept enough even though Zoe interrupted my sleep a lot. She kept Nick on the edge of the bed and I kept pulling her back towards me to give him more space. Stupid me, if she were in his way, he could have moved her out of it! Turns out, he didn't even know that he'd been obligated to sleep on the edge of the bed because of her desire to snuggle up with him!

Today was a perfect example of how dehydration affects the body. I was out and about most of the day, doing various things, and I came home knowing I was dehydrated. But I felt more than thirsty; I felt sleepy, lacking in energy, short-tempered, and had parched lips. All because I didn't drink enough while I was out and about!

I certainly ate a lot of delicious, healthy food, but whether I fulfilled all my body's nutritional obligations, I don't know. I didn't keep track. Generally, I just try to think about what % of my eating was junk food, and if the % is low (10%) then I figure I ate well. I should probably keep better track of filling in my food circles on my SWEET Life Plan, if only I had the desire.

Isn't it interesting that after a week of barely dragging myself out of bed to do my early morning exercises and after another week of coninually hitting "snooze" and not getting up to do my early morning exercises, once I decide to cancel the alarm and not exercise in the early morning, I wake up at 6:30 a.m. ready to exercise! It's amazing how desire is so much more motivating than obligation.

I got some tranquility but not enough. Maya slept well after our long day out and about, but it was cut short by the obligation to go pick up Zoe from daycare. Both Maya and I desired 1-2 hours more tranquility time before getting Zoe.

How do I feel?
I had a really fun day with Maya. We did this, that and the other, and she's just at a fun, capable age now (3 1/2). I don't need a diaper bag with her; we can do things rather quickly; she can run, obey and follow directions, etc. She's interested in knowing about the world and how it works in daily life, which means I can take her to fulfill some of my obligations and she has the desire to be there, learn about it, and help me in any way she can. It was great!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Life has gotten SWEETer!

Whenever I'm sick, I try to focus on living the SWEET Life even more, and sure enough, it's worked again and I feel much better today than I have in the past week. :-)

I slept in (I mean, it IS the weekend!) and got plenty of sleep. Zoe didn't even wake up last night! Maya did, but she came into our room quietly and crawled, hardly waking me. In addition, I was happy to turn off my automatic exercise alarm! No more early morning workouts!

I moved my pitcher to a location where I'll be more conscious of it, and that did help me make sure to drink it all today, by dinnertime.

I ate well today. Nick made French toast with strawberries for breakfast, yum! We ate leftovers for both lunch and dinner, but it ended up being quite a nice array of foods at each meal: grapes, burritos, chicken, quesadillas, stir-fried broccoli & snap peas, steamed rice, beef chow fun, artichoke, steak and salad. Hmm, perhaps I was a bit short on dairy products, but I was planning on having some ice cream for dessert!

Although I don't usually exercise on the weekends, I skipped exercising 3 days last week, so I exercised both weekend days to make up for it. I also decided to change my workout schedule to do it during my girls' naps, which means I won't be able to leave the house, so I might as well plan for one weekend day when I can go out of the house and run.

I got a chance to catch up on some things, which always makes me feel good. Last week, I missed out on Tranquility a few days, so I really needed to make up for it this weekend, and I did. It was nothing very exciting to write about, but I just finished up some things that made me feel accomplished.

How do I feel?
I'm feeling healthier today than I have all week, and I feel a bit back on track. I've figured out my new exercise routine, which is important, and I'm happy to sleep in until the rest of the family gets up during the week, instead of getting up early to exercise. Really focusing on living the SWEET Life the past day or two has really helped everything fall nicely into place.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

An unSWEETened Life

I have not been very good at living the SWEET Life this week. I've been a little sick, which has been gradually building throughout the week. Usually, I try to focus more on the SWEET Life when I start to feel under the weather, and that will prevent me from getting very sick, but this week it just hasn't happened.

I have had such a hard time waking up all week. I just haven't been able to drag myself out of bed to exercise. Have I been staying up too late? I think I need to pay more attention to when I go to bed. I've been so tired in the mornings, but not necessarily the rest of the day/evening. The morning fatigue is making me rethink my morning exercise routine. I think I need to change the time of day that I exercise, rather than fight myself trying to get out of bed in the mornings. It's easier to get up if I'm meeting someone to exercise, but I generally don't.

I haven't been paying much attention to my water intake, although I'm trying to drink enough. Since I'm feeling a bit sick, staying hydrated is especially important. I think I need to try harder or remember to fill my pitcher of water to drink throughout the day.

I haven't been paying much attention to what I've been eating lately either. However, it helps that I stocked up on groceries this week because having healthy food around is the first step toward eating healthy foods.

Every night this week I set out my workout clothes so I could just crawl out of bed and they would be waiting for me, but this week I just haven't been able to go out and exercise at 6:30 a.m. I actually got dressed to workout on Tuesday, but then realized I had a sore throat. I got undressed and went back to bed. The one day I did exercise was Wednesday, when I was meeting a friend. I took an athletic walk this morning to make up for missing so many workouts during the week, and I'll try to do some toning exercises when the girls nap today. After a week with minimal exercise, I'm starting to feel like a blob, like the lack of exercise is starting to have a negative effect on my body. I've worked hard for this body; I don't want to give it up to laziness!

I certainly haven't gotten my fill of tranquility this week. For example, yesterday, the girls did tag-team napping, which means that one kid is always awake, and I never get a break from being Mommy. Tuesday was such a busy day that poor Maya only had the opportunity to nap for 1/2 hr., which means that's all the free time I had, too. Wednesday the girls both napped and I had free time to relax, do my own thing and be tranquil, but I need that every day, not only once a week.

How do I feel?
Well, I haven't had a very SWEET Life this week. I've been personally unproductive, with a growing pile on my desk. At the same time, I've been trying really hard to keep my house tidy, dishes washed, and laundry folded and put away. By last night, after a terrible day, I was too tired to tidy up the house before bed, so this morning, I woke up to a few dishes in the sink, a few toys around the house, a few shoes and jackets here and there, etc. It made me realize that it's worth the 15 minutes it takes to tidy up the night before to wake up to a tidy house the next morning.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Monthly Review of November

I totaled up my SWEET Life for the month of November. Below are some of the details.

I don't sleep well; I haven't slept well; I need to sleep well! Last month I only slept well (7-8 hours) 18 out of 28 nights! (There were a couple days when I didn't keep track.) I didn't realize how inconsistently I slept until I tallied it all up! The main problems are that I stay up too late and wake up early to exercise. I'm interrupted by my kids during the night, but how much that prevents me from sleeping varies. Sometimes the interruption is so brief that it doesn't really affect my sleep, but I seem to remember many times last month when I couldn't fall back asleep after being woken up during the night. It's a really difficult tug-of-war between going to bed at 10:00 and getting a few little things done before bed a little later.

I generally drink plenty of water. Some days I don't fill my pitcher and drink it all, but I think about how often I filled a glass and drank it, and then I guess if it was enough.

Like water, I often guess how well I ate throughout the day, rather than keep track. I know that I generally eat healthy and don't eat junk food, but I think I probably need to eat more veggies.

I had a good exercise plan going: running M, W, F and toning Tu, Th. The problem is that lately I've burned out. The early morning darkness and cold don't help. I need a new exercise plan, but I don't have it yet. I know I could go to the gym, but that seems like so much more hassle than just running out my door or toning in my family room. This is definitely an area where I've seen surprising improvement over the past few months, so I can't let it fall by the wayside now, even though there are no physical improvements I want to make to my body.

I often get tranquility during the day. My girls have been napping consistently during the week, and the weekends my husband is home, so I have time to myself. This is an area that has definitely improved in recent months. I used to really have to make the time for relaxation; but now it's pretty much built into my day.

How do I feel?
I'm just starting to get sick, a little sore throat, so I'm impressed that I've felt fine today, despite feeling run down this morning. However, I did not have a very SWEET Life today. I stayed up a little too late watching a TV show with my husband, even though I wanted to go to sleep, so I don't think I got quite enough sleep. I didn't pay attention to my water-consumption. I ate pretty well; going to Costco to stock up helps. I didn't exercise (and haven't since Saturday) because my throat was sore. And I didn't get any tranquility today because I've been busy all day. So now (10:00 p.m.) is the first time I've had to sit down and relax. I think I'm going to fall asleep very quickly tonight. I don't expect to feel better tomorrow, considering the day I had today (i.e., no chance to take care of my impending disease).