Thursday, October 8, 2009

September, in conclusion

My goal for September was to live the SWEET Life. My weakness all month was what goes into my mouth: Water and Eating. I learned a few things by tracking my SWEET Life Cycle last month: 

I need to take Water with me if I'll be out of the house for long periods of time. I need to remember that!

I need to only eat foods that I can measure, no more "nibbles!" I have 1 cup Chinese soups bowls, 1/2 cup custard cups, 1/4 cup tiny ramekins & lots of soup spoons (~1 T.) to use to be more aware of how much I'm eating. This also helps me focus on eating more variety, rather than large quantities of one food.

So my goal for October is to focus on Eating less and drinking more Water.

As my business develops, I'm realizing how the different parts of my business will fit together. Therefore, I'm starting a new blog, integrating what I'm doing: Balanced Healthy Lifestyles:
Look there in the future!